Wednesday, April 24, 2013


The Avenues-to-Wealth Privilege Pack is an amazing collection of bundle of Privileges that is valuable to anyone who is interested in living a more-than-ordinary kind of lifestyle. These benefits are truly exceptional even though the pack is always improving. These benefits and privileges in privileges in the broadest of sense is made up of international, mixed and local products. Whenever anyone purchases the Privilege Pack of the company, the company gives you an only-known-to-you password which is your ticket to financial, economic and time Freedom!
The range of products in the Avenues to Wealth Privilege Pack includes:
  • Access to Real Estate Fractional Property Ownership/Investments
A lot of people are interested in owning and investing in Real Estate properties, but are continually handicapped due to funds. Through the FRACTIONAL PROPERTY OWNERSHIP in SouthAfrica and the Property Ownership in NIGERIA, Avenues to Wealth solves this problem. People can now team together to invest in huge real estate properties. For as low as $370, $45,000 members have been able to purchase properties all around the world.
Because we have a world expert in the house, Dr Dolf De Roos, investment opportunities that are not made available to the rest of the world are made available to members of Avenue to Wealth. Members have invested in properties in several countries of the world e.gNigeria Dubai, Singapore, UK, US, South Africa etc.
  • Access to Hedge Fund Investments
Most people have non-existent pension scheme/retirement fund. A lot of people will have nothing to show for their efforts after 20-45 years of working in a traditional business/job. This is a constant source of worry to a lot of people.
Avenues to Wealth tells you not to fret. It has made available a platform for its members a way to rectify this anomaly via the ATM 20/40 fund. This hedge fund is the Winner of the Best Fixed Funds Award 2011.
It is a hedge fund where you can invest a fixed amount of money for 2, 5, 10, 15, or 30 years. Members could invest as little as $500 and make it accrue to millions of dollars over the course of the investment period.
  • Access to World-Class HealthCare
Avenues to Wealth is in partnership with over 300 hospitals in a bid to provide members with the best deals in the healthcare industry.
A case in point is the Medanta healthcare deal. Avenues to Wealth is in partnership with one of the biggest hospitals in Asia, the Medanta Hospital, to provide unbelievable healthcare services to members of Avenues to Wealth.  A full executive body checkup that would cost as much as $5000 in the UK, US, Australia etc would be done for members of Avenues to Wealth for as low as $200. Incredible!
Surgery procedures like Kidney Transplant, Cardiology, Bariatic surgeries, Cosmetic Surgeries, Orthopedics etc that would normally cost close to $15,000 would be done for members of Avenues to Wealth for as low as $8,000. Amazing!
This deal has the potential of saving your life, your spouse, parents, children, friends etc

  • Advertising and Business Development for your Products
Avenues to Wealth provides the platform for the individual member of Avenues to Wealth to advertise their businesses to other members. This is huge, because you have a target audience of people willing to take a look at your products and services without paying a dime on advertisement.
  • Travels (Search Portals, Short Stay Offers, Complimentary Offers)
Avenues to Wealth has got a wide range of travel services that are simply mind-blowing.
  • Search Portals
You get access to over 4 Search Portals that make your life easy, in helping you locate the best deals around the world in hotels and flights. Using the search portal for example you can get to save up to 70% at times on hotel booking around the world, and you can make some savings on flight travel as well.
On hotels the deals are mouth-watering. Members stayed in a hotel in Dubai sometimes back for example with a shelf price of about $200, using their search portal however they were able to find the same hotel for $71. With flights the portals help you locate who is offering the best deal, and there is an agent in your privilege pack as well, who helps you discount the best deals further.
  •  Short Stay Offers
For just being a customer with this company, you get some mouth-watering heavily discounted vacation. For example, you and your partner can go and enjoy an exciting 3 days in Dubai consisting of the following:
Three Nights’ Accommodation in Dubai
Daily Breakfast
Return Airport Transfers from Dubai Airport
Desert Safari with Barbeque dinner and belly dancing
Half day Dubai city tour
Dhow Cruise with dinner and transfers

Top level of Burj Khalifa (World’s tallest Building) is US$60 per person
This offer is available to members for just $255 per person for a luxurious 3 star hotel. There are up to 8 options in Dubai alone. There are also such deals for Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Bali, Beijing, Mauritius, Thailand, Egypt, South Africa, the Gambia e.t.c. covering varying things. This kind of deal for Dubai will naturally cost about $500-700 per person. Singapore for example has a deal that covers hotels, airport transfer, meet and greet at the hotel and a city tour for about $177 per person.
  • Complimentary Offers
The company offers without any extra qualification to its members, complimentary vacation offers to various parts of the world!.Over 9 Locations in USA,CHINA,CAMBODIA,MEXICO... Complimentary means you are entitled to what is offered without paying an extra dime! An example of this is Thailand below. . .
5 Nights in Phuket, Thailand for 2 (Free Gift)”
Day 1
Arrive at Suvanabhumi Airport
Transfer to Pattaya
Visit Alcazar show
Twin Share accommodation 3+ Star
Day 2
Breakfast at hotel
Visit Coral Island by speed boat
Lunch & Dinner
Day 3
Breakfast at hotel
Visit Jewelry factory in Pattaya
Transfer to Bangkok
City tour; Visit the Golden Buddha temple, the reclining Buddha temple
Lunch & Dinner
Day 4
Breakfast at hotel
Safari World & Marine Park
Lunch at Safari World
Day 5
Bangkok- Airport for Departure
Breakfast at hotel
Transfer to International Airport for Departure
These types of offers are available in 5 exotic locations in the US, 2 in Asia and 1 in Mexico. Others in Dubai, Mauritius, Maldives are also in development.
  • Access to Hugely Discounted Local Every Day Products
On the local scene, the company has struck partnerships with an increasing number of organizations in several countries to offer its members amazing discounts! Some of the partner companies have great brands that make you know that there must be something exciting about this company.
There are also have discounts with a number of hotels, discounts with Cinemas, discounts with laptops and cameras, discounts with Landed property, discounts with taxi services (itaxi), discounts with Sleek products, Discounts with training providers. Discounts with multinational companies like LG,Samsung, Haier Thermocool, Nestle, Dangote Cement etc. Just recently the company also got a mouth-watering deal with a fast moving consumer goods company to get distributorship rights that require up to $14,000 FREE!

  • Access to Ebooks Worth over $3000
You get over 160+ e-books worth over $3,000 on different personal development issues. You have books that are for attitude development, financial intelligence, internet mastery, parenting, dating, weight loss, e.t.c. These are tremendous value for someone interested in personal development. On these books you have rights to download, print, keep, give away and even resell. 
  • Access to OUR SHOP
OUR SHOP is a unique innovation of Avenues to Wealth. It is an ebay-like kind of innovation where products and services are displayed at competitive prices to members of Avenues to Wealth. Products ranging from laptops, to freezers to cell-phones to foodstuffs are available.
A reward system in place ensures that you get 40% of the profit of goods purchased in the SHOP. A further 10% of the profit becomes yours when you refer anyone to make purchases from OUR SHOP. It’s just brilliant!
Avenues to Wealth Compensation Plan
Avenues to Wealth Rewards
One of the unique selling points of Avenues to Wealth is the compensation plan.
great compensation plan has two key features:
  • Anyone doing the business part time can get rich in the process
  • Anyone doing the business full time can become a miilionaire
And that is certainly what Avenues to Wealth Compensation Plan does.
Several people have reached the benchmark of $3000/month after 4 months of doing the business PART TIME, and many people are becoming millionaires doing the business FULL TIME.
Avenues to Wealth has made a provision for a system to enable distributors generate an income level of $17 million per annum. Even if you have a 1% success rate, you’d still have generated $170, 000 in the space of 1 year. It is explained below:

Avenues to Wealth utilizes the legendary BINARY compensation plan with a unique twisty to it. Overall, it provides 8 different ways you can be rewarded for your marketing efforts. After the payment of $350/#58,000Avenues to Wealth rewards you in the following ways:
1.)    Weekly Cycle Bonuses – For everyone that gets to come on your team on your right and left team in the ratio 1:1, you earn between $25-$40. Bear in mind that it does not matter where they come from. Whether through you or your sponsor or anyone who sponsored your sponsor or your sponsor’s sponsor’s sponsor’s sponsor. It does not matter. What matters is that they come in your team/organisation, and you EARN from each and every one of them.
2.)    Fast Start Bonuses – For every 3 persons that you sign into your team, you are entitled to a Fast Start Bonus of between $80 – $120 according to the activities of the previous week.
3.)    Wealth Pool Bonuses – The Wealth Pool is a pool where you are rewarded for making any member of your team have two signups. Two signups makes anyone in the company a Bronze Member. It is an encouragement for helping out. It is given out in form of percentages of the pool for that month.
4.)    Wealth Pool Matching Bonus Income Stream - Each month you will be paid a percentage of what your marketing team earns on the Wealth Pool Matching Bonus up to 7 levels deep.
5.)    Weekly Matching Bonuses – This is a super reward for helping yourself people in your organisation achieve massive results in your organisation. For instance, anytime you have 3 personal signups on your left side and 3 personal signups on your right side who have become bronze members (i.e. have two signups each), you immediately become a Silver member that is entitled to 10% of the total income of those you have in your personal team.
Also, anytime you have 5 personal signups on your left side and 5 personal signups on your right side who have become bronze members  (i.e. have two signups each), you immediately become a Gold member that is entitled to 20% of the total income of those you have in your personal team.
Achieve a $3000 mark in a week, and enjoy the status of a Platinum member and instantly earn 30% of the total income of people in your personal organisation.
6.)    Regular Leadership Bonuses – Be actively involved in Avenues-to-Wealth and you stand a chance at winning bonuses from Electronics to cars.
7.)    Shareholder Status – Become a Platinum member and get your place as a shareholder of the debt-free Avenues-to-Wealth. Shareholders get dividends every 4 months.
8.)    Leadership Incentive Pool – Here you also get to qualify 3 times in a year for an all expense leadership holiday incentive that is funded by money in the leadership incentive pool. Absolutely exotic locations all around the world are offered. It is an amazing opportunity.

For more Datails and how to Join, contact me on 08078894785 or
Also Check my website: for Full Information.

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